Worldwide impact of our media communication actions
Worldwide impact of our media communication actions 1500 987 Crusoe Treasure impact internationally on the last interview made to our founder, Borja Saracho.

The interview with Borja Saracho, founder with Joxean Saez de Ocariz of Crusoe Treasure Underwater Winery, has received extensive media coverage at a national and international level. News from China, Belgium or the USA, among others, draw attention to the production process of our winery, the first underwater winery – artificial reef in the world. The Associated Press interview made by Cassandra Allwood has had a huge coverage, which confirms the big interest of the media.
International coverage
Euronews, one of the main European media, has made a great media coverage appearing on its news and on its online edition wit an article commenting on the interview. Keeping on the continent, Het Laatste News (HLN), the most popular newspaper in the Flanders region and Belgium, and Deutsche Welle (DW), an important German public broadcast media, have echoed it, highlighting all of them the differential value of the brand, our underwater treasure commented by an american wine tourist.

“You can think that we are crazy, and all this is marketing, but after hundreds or thousands of analytics, we have seen the different evolution of the chemical components.”
Borja Saracho

International channels such as CBS made a reportage about the interview in which they also collected testimonies from the tourist that were enjoying one of our boat trips and tastings. Additionally, local media like Central Oregón News or Inside Edition magazine also followed up on the news.
“The taste is just absolutely unique. It’s not sweet, but at the same time, it’s not bitter. It’s difficult to explain. You have to try it to really know.”
Alan, tourist of Miami, USA
In the rest of the world, coverage of our underwater treasure was also made, highlighting, among others, those made by WION, an Indian multinational news company in English, in China and Taiwan through Yahoo! News, Japan on TV Asahi and in Cuba Comunica.
Plentzia, Bizkaia and Basque Country
This national and international media impact acts as a driving force for tourism in Plentzia, Bizkaia and the Basque Country in general, supporting the Bilbao-Bizkaia 2030 tourism strategy and following the lines set out by the Basque Government’s tourism development plan, hand by hand with Basquetour , in terms of sustainability.
The tourist who visits Crusoe Treasure winery, at a general level, is a wine lover, innovation lover and respectful with the environment, a type of profile that is aligned with the tourism strategy for Basque Country.
This 2022, from Easter till this day, in this sense, we have received around 200 visitors from different countries such as Holland, Belgium, United Kingdom, Canada and United States, among others, all of them being amazed, not only with the winery, but also with the landscape, gastronomy and culture of Basque Country.

If you have any questions, you can contact us in the chat on this page (below on the right) or by phone +34 688 638 114
Do not forget that the history of Bodega Crusoe Treasure is wonderful, but its wines are perhaps even more. The international awards won for the quality of our wines, or our packaging show that “deep down, we do things right” ;).