Frequently asked questions

Here you can find some of the most frequent doubts of our clients. For any other questions, contact us at: or through chat.

  • With these 3 easy steps we will show you how to open our bottles correctly:
    1. Use a corkscrew or a metallic object to hit the sealing wax that protects the mouth of the bottle. Our recommendation is that you cover it with a handkerchief or napkin before hitting the sealing wax to avoid the pieces to disperse.
    2. Eliminate the remains of sealing wax and remove the cork from the bottle.
    3. Once the cork has been removed, clean the mouth of the bottle thoroughly with a napkin before serving the wine. [+]

  • Sometimes it is usual to come across some crystallisations on the cork when opening a bottle of red wine, but don’t panic, these crystals do not affect the quality of the wine or its consumption. These so-called “wine diamonds” are formed when tartaric acid, a natural component found in grapes, binds with the chemical element potassium or calcium bitartrate in cold conditions and a lot of movement, such as sea waves, and forms a crystalline salt that binds to the cork.[+]

  • The sealing wax covering the mouth of the bottle serves to prevent the area from being colonized by marine life. After going through the underwater treasuring process, the wax becomes very fragile and breaks easily (especially during transport or handling). This fact does not affect or damage the quality of the wine. Wax is only necessary during the underwater treasuring process.

  • Our enologist Antonio T. Palacios affirms that the wines are ready for consumption from the moment you uncork the bottle. It is a wine that evolves very well in the glass, the characteristics of the wine change from the first moment you open the bottle until after a few minutes.[+]

  • Yes they are vegan. We are not certified vegan, but during our production process we do not use any clarification of animal origin (wine clarification is a process that is carried out to remove the remaining impurities from the grape or yeast prior to bottling). [+]

  • In broad terms, the conservation of one of our underwater wines does not differ much from the conservation of a wine aged on land, which facilitates its consumption. But perhaps, as a wine lover, or as a consumer of new and different experiences, you have wondered how to preserve it without losing all its authenticity. Here are some recommendations: [+]

  • Nowadays, the analytics, carried out by Antonio T. Palacios, indicate that under these conditions, red wines can last 10 years without any problem and white wines between 5 and 7 years. Beyond that time, it will depend on each wine and how we have preserved that bottle. Our recommendation, the wines are excellent for consumption today but if you want you can keep them for 5 years and the wine will improve naturally. [+]

  • By purchasing a bottle of one of our wines you can join the Crusoe Treasure Club for free for 12 months. Discover here the advantages: [+]

  • For the purchase of any of our wines and registering in our club, you can choose to carry out a personalized or automated virtual tasting. Find out here what each of them consists of: [+]