The life of our wines upon leaving the sea
The life of our wines upon leaving the sea https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/nevera_vinos2.jpg 1024 768 Ane Martín https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a965295ec9fafad76d1aca3c1b3057b1Do you want to find out how to store our underwater wines?
Perhaps, as a wine lover, or as a consumer of new and different experiences, you have among your collection one of our underwater wines and have wondered how to store it without letting it lose all its authenticity. You may have wondered if you should follow the same guidelines of conservation of a wine aged solely on land so that it maintains all its taste, aroma and colour or if really the life of an underwater wine changes completely when it comes out of the sea. In order to solve all your doubts, here is a post about it:
- The location: One should look for the ideal place to store our wines. The best option would be to keep them in a wine fridge, at a constant temperature and with very little light. If you do not have a place like this in your home, the next best thing would be to keep them in an air-conditioned cupboard or, otherwise, in a dark cupboard located in a cool corner of the house, such as in a basement, or on the ground levels. However, you must bear in mind that normally the kitchen is one of the worst places to keep them because of its vibrations, noise and heat changes, therefore making it the least suitable place.
- The temperature: The temperature should be as constant as possible. Our recommendation is to keep white wines at 12ºC and red wines at 14ºC.
- Humidity: Just like the temperature, it is equally important to monitor the relative humidity of the environment, since a relatively low humidity can cause the cork to dry out and deteriorate, allowing air to enter the bottle. Our recommendation is to maintain a relative humidity between 65% and 75%.
- The light: The wines should preferably be stored in a dark place to avoid accelerating their degradation when exposed to light. This applies to both natural and artificial light.
- Position of the bottle: The bottles must be stored in a horizontal position. In this way we will allow the wine and the cork to be in constant contact. It is advisable not to move the bottle of wine once it has been stored, we must avoid agitation or sudden movements, to allow the wine to rest and evolve in the most natural way possible.
- Life of our wines: Nowadays, the analyses done by Antonio T. Palacios indicate that in those conditions, red wines can get to endure 10 years without problems and white wines 5 to 7 years. Beyond that time, it will depend on each wine and how we have preserved that bottle. Even so, the wines are excellent for consumption today. You can even keep them for 5 years and the wine will improve naturally.
- And once we have opened the wine?: Once we have opened a bottle of wine, if we are not going to finish it at once, if it is white wine we can keep it in the refrigerator. Before that, we must minimize the contact between the wine and the air contained in the bottle to avoid oxidation, we can do this with a vacuum pump. If it is red wine, we can store the wine in a cool place, without cork, for a maximum two days.
In general, the preservation of one of our underwater wines is not very different from the preservation of a wine aged on land, which makes it easier to drink. Once you have followed these steps, you will be able to enjoy the experience of tasting a Crusoe Treasure wine and check for yourself the unique and representative taste.