Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection? https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Leyend-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Which marine species are represented in the Sea Legend collection?

Conger eels, John dory fishes, dolphins, scorpionfish are some of the species that live with our underwater wines As we have already mentioned before, the marine life that has been created around Crusoe Treasure Underwater Winery – Artificial Reef is very important for us, and that is why the protagonists of our packages could not…

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Conoce a los protagonistas de nuestros packagings https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Passion-02-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Conoce a los protagonistas de nuestros packagings

Las especies marinas que acompañan a nuestros vinos submarinos Existen numerosas especies conviviendo con nuestros vinos en nuestra bodega submarina-arrecife artificial. Algunas de ellas están representadas en los packaging de cada una de las colecciones de Crusoe Treasure gracias al artista japonés Yusei Nagashima. Como es el caso de la estrella de mar Marthaesterias glaciaris,…

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Discover the protagonists of our packaging https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Base-estuche-Passion-02-ACOPLADO-scaled.jpg 2560 1600 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Discover the protagonists of our packaging

The marine species that live with our underwater wines. There are numerous species living together with our wines in our underwater winery-artificial reef. Some of them are represented in the packaging of each of the Crusoe Treasure collections thanks to the Japanese artist Yusei Nagashima. Such is the case of the starfish Marthaesterias glaciaris, or…

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Las tres colecciones Crusoe Treasure https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/image0-scaled.jpeg 2560 1723 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

Las tres colecciones Crusoe Treasure

Todos nuestros vinos, con su esencia y su sabor único están recogidos en las tres colecciones con las que contamos. Cada una de estas colecciones tiene un matiz especial. Sea Soul. Alma marina en estado puro. Nuestra colección más amplia, la colección Sea Soul, se trata de vinos monovarietales, con alma propia. El mar aporta…

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The three Crusoe Treasure collections https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/image0-scaled.jpeg 2560 1723 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

The three Crusoe Treasure collections

All our wines, with their essence and unique flavour, are included in our three collections. Each of these collections has a special nuance. Sea Soul. Pure marine soul. Our most extensive collection, the Sea Soul collection, is made up of single-variety wines with a unique soul. The sea provides their maximum evolutionary expression, turning them…

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The experience is even more special with duet packs https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/IMG_4348-e1602239748673.jpg 1920 2560 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

The experience is even more special with duet packs

A wine between land and sea What a better way to appreciate the differences that underwater treasure brings to a wine than to compare it with the same wine aged in a land-based winery? The duet packs of Crusoe Treasure allow us to compare and enjoy the differences that the sea brings to the wines.…

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La experiencia se hace aún más especial con los pack Duet https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/IMG_4348-scaled-e1602238726205.jpg 1920 2560 Patricia Moreno Patricia Moreno https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d930572ad93721d821dba79bf0b5ddd8

La experiencia se hace aún más especial con los pack Duet

Un vino entre la tierra y el mar ¿Qué mejor manera de apreciar las diferencias que aporta el atesoramiento submarino a un vino que compararlo con el mismo vino envejecido en una bodega terrestre? Los packs duet de Crusoe Treasure nos permiten comparar y disfrutar de las diferencias que aporta el mar a los vinos.…

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Which is the origin of the Underwater Winery? https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/10vinosct.jpeg 1024 768 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

Which is the origin of the Underwater Winery?

10 years in which we turned a dream into a reality In 2007, after watching Cousteau’s documentaries, after reading Tintin books (Red Rackham’s Treasure) and after watching in the news the discovery of bottles on sunken ships that were auctioned for astronomical value at auction houses, Borja Saracho (Founder of Crusoe Treasure Underwater WinerY) proposed to Joxean…

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¿Cómo nació la bodega submarina? https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/10vinosct.jpeg 1024 768 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

¿Cómo nació la bodega submarina?

10 años en los que hemos convertido un sueño en una realidad En 2007, a raíz de los documentales de Cousteau, de los libros de Tintín (El Tesoro de Rackham el Rojo) y el descubrimiento de botellas en barcos hundidos que se subastaron por un valor astronómico en casas de subastas, Borja Saracho (Fundador de la…

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Do you recognise the marine species that appear in the packaging of our underwater wines? https://uk.underwaterwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/WhatsApp-Image-2020-07-16-at-14.25.57.jpg 1024 768 Crusoe Treasure Crusoe Treasure https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a92b316a884d4396bd179329ef230451

Do you recognise the marine species that appear in the packaging of our underwater wines?

The sea is present in our underwater wines all time, from the idea to the end of its production when the bottle reaches you. All the marine species that appear in our packagings are typical from this area of ​​the Cantabrian Sea. They live, feed and/or reproduce in our underwater winery-artificial reef, which has formed…

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